Amazing Children's Charity to Visit in Tulum

Tulum is our favorite place in the world for many reasons, but high up on the list is our collaboration with Los Amigos De La Esquina (LADLE), a local nonprofit that hosts fantastic activities for local mayan kids. It is an amazing non profit organization to visit in Tulum where you and your family can volunteer!

LADLE runs activities 6 days a week for kids ages 4-16 all based on art, wellbeing, environmental consciousness, and life skills. When LADLE began, 6 years ago, many of these wonderful local kids had never even been to the beach. Now the kids are the first invited to beach clean ups and beach events, they go birding, take dance classes, music classes, cooking class, do yoga and more!! The organization is wonderfully inclusive and does not charge any fee for the kids to join in on these activities. If you are traveling with your kids, an afternoon with LADLE will be an awesome way for them to play and see that language is no barrier for having a fantastic time and meeting new people! 

The kids from LADLE  are wonderfully curious, excited and loving kids and it is an absolute privilege to work with them and watch each one of them grow.

In 2021, the org inaugurated a community center made using sustainable materials and made a mural surrounding the entire building using more than 100,000 bottle caps!

It is an amazing place to spend an afternoon, getting to know a wonderful side of Tulum that is filled with love. 

non profit in Tulum

Community Center in Tulum